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Pathways to Politics Recipient of 2021 Eve Mahlab AO Gender-Wise Philanthropy Award

Large group of smiling women - the Pathways to Politics 2020 cohort

The Australian Philanthropy Awards recognise and celebrate extraordinary achievements in contemporary philanthropy for work that is visionary, high impact and transformative. They also celebrate partnerships between philanthropy and for-purpose organisations and honour those who are working to create lasting, positive change.

Tthe 2021 Australian Philanthropy Awards named the Trawalla Foundation, Women’s Leadership Institute Australia and the University of Melbourne as co-recipients of the Eve Mahlab AO Gender-wise Philanthropy Award 2021 for their high impact Pathways to Politics Program for Women.

The Award is presented by Australians Investing In Women in partnership with Philanthropy Australia to showcase initiatives that strengthen society through philanthropic investments that target women and girls and deliver greater gender equality.

Founding Partners

University Partners