Celebrating major achievements in 2024

Crowd of diverse smartly dressed women cheering with their hands in the air, overlaid with text reading "2024 year in review"

As we close out an especially dynamic and impactful year for Pathways to Politics, we are incredibly proud to reflect on the remarkable progress we’ve made together as a community, including:

  • Our first year as a fully national program: 157 women participated in programs all across the country, including new programs in Western Australia and Tasmania.
  • Electoral wins: An incredible 120 alums ran for election, and 49 of them were successfully elected.
  • Mentoring: 55 alums were matched with experienced political mentors, helping them boost their readiness to run for office.
  • What’s ahead: In 2025 we celebrate a truly significant milestone – our 10 year anniversary!
Logo showing Pathways to Politics for Women - Celebrating 10 years

In 2024…

Simple illustrations of advertising placards with ticks and crosses on them

120 alums ran for election

Yellow icon if a parliamentary building

49 alums were successfully elected!

Our year in review – in 60 seconds!

Register your interest

Join our Expressions of Interest list to be notified when applications open for the program in your state or territory (around early March 2025).

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