Queensland kickoff: Pathways to Politics 2024

A group of 20 or more diverse women stand posing smiling outside in the winter sun

Diverse women from across Queensland gathered at QUT’s Gardens Point Campus this month to begin the Pathways to Politics for Women program.

Since launching at QUT in 2020, Pathways to Politics has seen remarkable success in Queensland. This year has been particularly significant, with 26 alums running in the March local government elections and 13 winning their seats, including two who were elected as mayors.

We were excited to be joined by 9 of these alums during the first weekend of the program, to welcome the 2024 cohort and share their journeys from the Pathways to Politics program to political office.

Having already connected online, the 2024 QUT cohort was eager to share their stories, hear from others, and absorb insights from our speakers as they begin mapping their own pathways to office.

The weekend began with participants reflecting on what they wished to gain from the program, as well as hearing from alums about how to make the most of the program. These alums, who sat in the very same room a year ago, are now elected councillors.

Throughout the weekend, participants engaged with politicians and political experts who covered topics such as deciding to run, articulating your political vision, understanding party mechanisms, building a support base, and navigating the pre-selection process.

We hope all participants find the program enriching and empowering, and that it paves the way for their future success in the political arena.

Photo of three diverse smiling women. Twi are wearing bright floral outfits, one is in a black pantsuit.
Dr Mary Crawford (QUT Advisory Committee member and former federal member for Forde), Cr Pye Augustine (QUT 2023 alum), Mayor Jos Mitchell (2023 alum)
Three smiling women wearing black and white professional outfits. They are wearing name tags.
2024 QUT cohort members, L-R: Margaret Milutinovic, Marisa Seden, Zoe Andolfatto
Four smiling women wearing business wear, with nametags.
2024 QUT cohort members, L-R: Emma Smith, Cr Leanne Patrick (guest, 2022 alum), Cr Mellissa Holzheimer and Cr Karen Davis
Photo of diverse women sitting in rows and holding papers
2024 QUT cohort

Thank you

The QUT program would like to thank the following politicians and speakers who contributed to the first workshop: Bree James, Ann Aitken, Mayor Jos Mitchell, Minister Meaghan Scanlon MP, Sophia Li, Benita Suckling, Cr Jodie Shipway, Mayor Tanya Milligan, Angie Bell MP, Julie-Ann Campbell, Minister Leanne Linard MP, Melina Morgan, Kate Samois, Cr Trina Massey, Cr Nicole Johnston, Kate Flanders, Barbara O’Shea, Cr Julia Dixon, Maggie Forrest, Michaela Sargent, Cr Leanne Patrick, Cr Pye Augustine, Cr Natalia Muszkat, Cr Danita Parry, Cr Sophie Bougoure, Cr Seal Chong Wah and Cr Emily Kim.

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