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Podcast: Cut the conflict in Council

Photo of a woman with wavy, long hair smiling and looking to the side holding a smartphone at her side. The words "Cut the conflict in Council" appear on a peach/orange background

If you work in Local Government this podcast will give you the insights and tools on how to navigate conflict effectively and handle those difficult conversations without losing your cool.

Presented by Cr Anne-Marie Cade, this podcast covers topics including:

  • Skills to defuse conflict and navigate difficult conversations effectively
  • How to deal with an adult bully
  • How our emotions impact our behaviour

Anne-Marie Cade is an award-winning Lawyer, Nationally Accredited Mediator, Conflict Resolution Specialist, Speaker, Trainer, and Lecturer in law. She has won numerous awards for her work in dispute resolution and was named Mediator of the Year in 2023 and Conflict Coach of the Year in 2024. She is also a local Councillor in Victoria and is currently serving as Mayor.

Anne-Marie is a participant of the 2024 Victorian Pathways to Politics for Women program.

Listen to the podcast

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