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Podcast: Words to Win By

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“A podcast about winning for political insiders, outsiders and every progressive in between”.

Words to Win By is hosted by US-based communications researcher and campaign advisor Anat Shenker-Osorio as she unpacks real-world narrative shifts that led to real-world victories for progressive politics around the globe.

  • Season one – From electing Jacinda Ardern as Prime Minister of New Zealand, to repealing a national ban on abortion in Ireland, to beating back race baiting in Minnesota, Anat and her guests explore what made it possible to engage the base, persuade the middle, send the naysayers packing, and win.
  • Season two – In this season, Anat and her guests consider the messaging deployed during the 2020 US election, explore the symbols used to argue for legalising abortion in Argentina, and hear about the deeply personal conversations among strangers critical to flipping Wisconsin. In each case, they examine the words, tactics and strategies needed to take on entrenched parties.

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