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Recommendations for your pathway to politics: Soëlily Consen-Lynch

Photo of Soelily Consen Lynch smiling outside a stone building. She is a black woman wearing glasses and a teal green dress with ruffled shoulders.

ACT Greens Candidate for Yerrabi, ACT 2024

In this blog series, we ask our alums to tell us about their personal ‘pathway to politics’ and provide their recommendations for content that will help support, guide, inspire and engage other women on their political journey.

Hello everyone, I am Soëlily Consen-Lynch and I am one of the 2023 alums of the inaugural class of the ACT Pathways to Politics program. I am a Dutch trained solicitor and public servant. I have been engaged in many volunteer roles as a community advocate in Canberra for over 8 years.

In my volunteer work I frequently crossed paths with local politicians. A few years ago the ACT female MLAs organised a lunch for female community advocates to discuss a possible future in politics. Me and other women present could not imagine stepping into the political field and even underlined the lack of training, mentorship and opportunities for women to enter politics. But the seed was planted.

Fast forward to February 2023, I decided to apply for the Pathways program after the UC International Women’s Day breakfast and the Pathways launch. I thought that the program could be useful for my volunteer work and I wanted to ensure that, if I ever decided to join politics, I would have a good basis of understanding of the political dynamics and aspects that come with politics.  

My mentor, a former Greens MLA, is a perfect match for me as she assists with tips on campaigning, how to personally own policy proposals and provides insights into internal party dynamics. It is nice to have a sounding board who has the experience and the knowledge but is currently outside the political force field.

Where am I now
The last hesitation to run disappeared by the program, the support of our cohort, and chats with Elizabeth Lee and Rebecca Vasserotti. “Why not me”? I love advocating for the community and it is time that the representation in the Legislative Assembly reflects the beautiful diverse Canberra community. It is my honour to have been selected as one of the ACT Greens lead candidates for Yerrabi.

The biggest challenge is combining campaigning with my work as a public servant in ACT Government. And my biggest win: one of my suggestions for mental health services is included in one of the ACT Greens election initiatives.

“‘Why not me’? I love advocating for the community and it is time that the representation in the Legislative Assembly reflects the beautiful diverse Canberra community.”

– Soëlily Consen-Lynch

My recommendations

Women and Leadership: Real Lives, Real Lessons, Julia Gillard & Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

Stories of women leaders and how they coped without training and support.

Find Women and Leadership online

Cover of the bok "women and leadership" against an aqua background

The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table, Minda Harts

Helpful insights and tips for women of colour: from salary negotiations, office politics, dealing with micro aggressions, to finding your mentors.

Find The Memo online

Cover of the book "The Memo" showing bold yellow type, and a black woman with afro facing away

“Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable”, Luvvie Ajayi Jones, TedX

It’s all about being bold, confident and making good trouble.

Watch the TedX talk

Photo of Luvvie Jones, a young black woman wearing a yellow blazer, smiling

“Why not me” speech, Elizabeth Lee MLA

I hope you will have the honour to hear Elizabeth Lee’s speech about her why and how. She empowers me and many others.

Watch Elizabeth Lee in conversation with Gai Brodtmann and Carol Schwartz AO at the Celebrating women in leadership panel, Pathways to Politics launch at the University of Canberra, 2023

Photo of Elizabeth Lee, an Asian woman with long hair, speaking into a microphone

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Photo of Soëlily Consen-Lynch, a black woman wearing glasses and a black blazer, smiling, trees in the background
2023 Alum (Australian Capital Territory)

Soëlily Consen-Lynch

Soëlily Consen-Lynch is the ACT Greens Candidate for Yerrabi in the 2024 ACT general election. She is a passionate volunteer and community advocate, a Dutch trained solicitor, and a public servant. Soëlily was born in Suriname and raised in the Netherlands. She moved to Australia in 2013.

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