Media release, 15 December 2022
The Pathways to Politics Program for Women has announced new programs will run in the Australian Capital Territory and South Australia to lift gender equality and diversity in Australian politics.
The inaugural ACT and South Australian programs will run in partnership with the University of Canberra and the University of Adelaide in 2023.
Pathways to Politics is a non-partisan initiative that equips women across the political spectrum with the skills, knowledge, confidence and networks they need to run for elected office and thrive as political leaders.
”The University of Canberra has repeatedly been recognised as the world leading university in reducing inequalities.[1] So for UC, it is a natural fit to partner with a program with demonstrated success in advancing the progression of female political participation in the ACT and Australian parliaments,” said Professor Paddy Nixon, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Canberra.
The University of Adelaide’s Professor John Williams, Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics welcomed the new Pathways to Politics Program for Women at the University.
“The Pathways to Politics Program for Women will give people from diverse backgrounds greater opportunities to represent their communities.
“The University of Adelaide is excited to support women to enter Australian politics by equipping them with the skills they will need to succeed in a demanding but highly rewarding career.”
Pathways to Politics has realised significant impact in advancing female political participation since it launched in 2016, with 27 electoral successes achieved nationally across the political spectrum at local, state and federal levels of government. The majority of alum intend to run for elected office in the next ten years.
Since founding at the University of Melbourne, Pathways to Politics has expanded into states and territories across Australia with partner programs at QUT, UNSW and Charles Darwin University. It is anticipated that partner programs will commence in Western Australia and Tasmania in the coming years, making the program fully national.
Pathways to Politics was initiated through the vision of Carol Schwartz AO, Chair of the Trawalla Foundation, who fundamentally believes in the value of more female leaders.
“We are delighted to have the University of Canberra and University of Adelaide join our partnership. Bringing the Pathways to Politics Program for Women to the ACT and South Australia is an important milestone in the growth of Pathways nationally,” Ms Schwartz said.
“We are excited about the expertise and insights these respective universities will bring – both in terms of delivering high quality programs for women in their state or territory, and contributing to the national network to change the face of politics in Australia.”
Applications for the 2023 Pathways to Politics Program for Women open in early 2023. Prospective applicants can find further information here and place an expression of interest via this form.
Media enquiries
Trawalla Foundation
Eloise Shepherd | 0421 006 009 |
The University of Canberra
UC Media | 0408 826 362 |
The University of Adelaide
Crispin Savage | Manager, News and Media | 0481 912 465 |
[1] Times Higher Education Impact Rankings