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Knowledge hub roundup: June 2022

Group of diverse women walking in front of historical buildings - University of Melbourne Pathways to Politics cohort

Launched in March this year, the Pathways to Politics Knowledge Hub is an online public platform where all women and gender diverse people can find practical tools, information and inspiration to help in their run for public office.

Here’s what we’ve added in the last month:

Photograph of Wesa Chau

Recommendations for your pathway to politics: Wesa Chau

Reading recommendations from University of Melbourne Pathways to Politics alum and Labor candidate for Prahran Wesa Chau.

Photograph of Debbie Taylor-Haynes on the steps of Victorian Parliament

Recommendations for your pathway to politics: Debbie Taylor-Haynes

Content recommendations from University of Melbourne Pathways to Politics alum and Liberal Candidate for Bentleigh Debbie Taylor-Haynes.

Profile photos of Senator Dorinda Cox (Senate Candidate for Greens WA), Jackie Bennett (No. 2 Senate Candidate for the Australian Federation Party QLD), Clr Trish Frail (Candidate for Parkes, Greens NSW) and Tabatha Young (Candidate for Bonner QLD).

Federal election: Aboriginal women candidates

This Candid Conversations recording from Politics in Colour features Aboriginal federal election candidates Senator Dorinda Cox, Jackie Bennett, Cr Trish Frail and Tabatha Young.

Prime Minister Albanese gives the thumbs up sign

Four ways to change the way we do politics

Professor Ariadne Vromen of ANU offers four innovative, citizen-centric ways the Australian government can start working on today to change politics in Australia.

Line drawing of four women writing on notepads at a kitchen table.

Kitchen table conversations: A guide for sustaining our democratic culture

Free, downloadable guide from the Victorian Women’s Trust – how to run a ‘kitchen table conversation’ to engage and organise around the issues that affect your community.

Woman standing giving a speech in parliament chambers

Australians’ views on gender equity and the political parties

Analysis from ANU explores Australians’ confidence in the different political parties on issues related to gender equity, and how it relates to their voting intentions.

Aboriginal and Australian flags flying across a blue sky

More partisans than parachutes, more successful than not: Indigenous candidates of the major Australian parties

This study shows that Indigenous Australian candidates are usually winners – and Indigenous women have a higher success rate than men.

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