Launched in March this year, the Pathways to Politics Knowledge Hub is an online public platform where all women and gender diverse people can find practical tools, information and inspiration to help in their run for public office.
Here’s what’s been added this month:

Gender-responsive policy, budgets and legislation: Why it matters and what needs to change
An exclusive Pathways to Politics video interview with Dr Ramona Vijeyarasa and Dr Leonora Risse.

Vote for women
Panel discussion about the future of equal representation in Australian politics – with Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi, former Liberal turned Independent MP Julia Banks and 2022 Independent candidate and Pathways to Politics alum Georgia Steele.

The glass cliff election: women candidates running in unwinnable seats in the 2022 federal election
New analysis from ANU’s Global Institute for Women’s Leadership.

Women elect
Who are the women running in the 2022 federal election?

An independent woman – Cathy McGowan
Episode of Australian Story focusing on the “godmother of the independents movement” Cathy McGowan OAM, following her on the hustings for the 2022 federal election.

Represent us: PLAN International report
What are the key barriers to young women entering politics?

Breaking the rainbow ceiling: LBQ+ women standing for public office
Research from the Victorian Pride Lobby into the barriers and motivators for lesbian, bi+ and queer women to stand for office.

Shared hurdles: How political races change when two women compete
New research from the Barbara Lee Foundation.

Women for Election: video conversations
Compilation of conversations conducted by Women for Election Australia with female Australian politicians across the political spectrum and all levels of politics.

The missing women of Australian politics: How violence against women creates barriers to female representation
the 2020/21 Julia Gillard Next Generation intern report by Medha Majumdar .