Pathways to Politics 2024 programs begin in South Australia and New South Wales

Large group of diverse women pose for a photo together in a conference-style room

Photo: 2024 UNSW cohort with special guests Allegra Spender MP, Jenny Leong MP and Senator Maria Kovacic

We’re excited to announce the start of our 2024 programs in South Australia and New South Wales. Over the next few months, our outstanding participants in these states will engage in comprehensive training designed to build confidence and clarity about their future political careers.

The programs offer practical support and guidance through workshops and Q&A sessions with seasoned politicians, advisors, and experts across the political spectrum. Key topics include political vision, campaign strategy, policymaking, speechwriting and media training.

South Australia

Now in its second year, the South Australian program is run in partnership with the University of Adelaide.

The first in-person session of 2024 featured prominent speakers including Deputy Premier of South Australia the Hon Dr. Susan Close MP, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, and Senator Kerrynne Liddle. Their discussion on women’s contributions to politics inspired participants to reflect on how they might bring about positive change in their own communities.

Seen from the back, rows of women face a table where three women are seated

Katrina Webb OAM led a session on Finding Your Voice and Values, helping participants identify and articulate their unique political visions, and laying the groundwork for the speeches participants will deliver in parliament at the program’s conclusion.

The session also welcomed two alums from the inaugural South Australian program, Loretta Romeo and Sallee Shepherd, who shared their experiences and offered advice on maximising the benefits of the program.

“Before this program, I did everything I could to avoid the fact that I loved politics and wanted to be more than a spectator or commentator. Each week I was taken on a journey that showed me how I can fit in, how everyone can. I entered feeling insecure and frightened and left feeling strong, confident and empowered to take my political future seriously.”

– Sallee Shepherd, 2023 South Australian cohort
Five diverse women pose for a photo in front of a University of Adelaide banner
Eight colourfully dressed women pose for a photo in a classroom setting

New South Wales

Entering its fourth year, the NSW program is delivered in partnership with UNSW Sydney. The 2024 program launched with a three-day intensive featuring panel discussions, workshops, seminars, Q&As, and networking opportunities.

Day one included a panel discussion, Why Run & Who For? with Allegra Spender MP, Jenny Leong MP, Sally Sitou MP (Pathways to Politics alum), and Senator Maria Kovacic. This was followed by a session on The Local Government Experience with Mayor Tanya Taylor, Cr Sylvie Ellsmore and former councillor Nadia Saleh.

Day two saw the cohort get in to campaign mode with a social media workshop facilitated by Michelle Stephenson, and a discussion on Party Nuts and Bolts: Factions and Pre-Selection with Michelle Bishop, the Hon Courtney Houssos MLC, and the Hon Abigail Boyd MLC.

This was followed by Running Your Campaign with Leanne Bergan, Savanna Peake (Pathways to Politics alum) and Lyndell Droga, Fundraising with Georgia Steele (Chief Policy Adviser for Dr Sophie Scamps MP and Pathways to Politics alum), and Designing a Campaign Brochure with Charlotte Mortlock (Hilma’s Network founder and Pathways to Politics alum). The day concluded with a Political Meet & Greet session featuring Dr. Marjorie O’Neill MP.

The first week wrapped up with media training by Tracey Spicer AO and a speechwriting workshop with Joel Deane.

3 diverse women chatting in front of a dark blue banner with the Pathways to Politics logo on it
Four women sitting panel-style. One is speaking into a microphone/
Row of women seated lecture style, laughing
Photo of two blonde women standing having an animated conversation

What’s next

Both the South Australian and New South Wales cohorts will conclude their programs by delivering stump speeches in their respective state parliaments this September and October.

We eagerly anticipate the progress and achievements of these inspiring participants!

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