Have you seen a post or a comment on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or another social media and thought “that’s just not right”, but haven’t been sure what to say?
This toolkit from Gender Equity Victoria (GEN VIC) aims to give you a range of strategies and suggestions for how to intervene and become an active bystander on social media.
The toolkit aims to help get you inspired to stand up for what you think is right online and step in when you see someone participating in or encouraging discrimination.
While we think it’s really important for us all to stand up for what we believe in, we also strongly believe that your safety comes first. If a situation seems too risky, don’t feel pressured to get involved. Do what you can, like take screenshots, report posts to social media platforms, and report any serious harassment to the Office of the eSafety Commissioner.
– Online Active Bystander Project
Gender Equity Victoria (GEN VIC), The Guardian, RMIT University, Domestic Violence Victoria, and Women’s Health Victoria’s online bystander project aims to takes a creative and action-based approach to prevent violence against women in online spaces, with a view to influence broader culture to improve online safety and equity for women. This project is supported by the Office for Women in the Victorian Government.
Read more & download the toolkit