Donisha Duff OAM

Smiling photo of Donisha Duff wearing a red blazer, green foliage behind her.

Donisha Duff

Donisha Duff OAM is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander woman from Thursday Island, Torres Strait.  Her family are Aboriginal (Wuthathi) traditional owners of Eastern Cape York and she also has familial links to Badu, Moa & Mabuiag Islands in the Torres Strait. Donisha is the inaugural CEO of Queensland Indigenous Business Network, an independent representative body created to provide a strong and unified voice for Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses. She is also Chair of Stars Foundation Ltd.

Donisha ran as the ALP Candidate for Bowman in the 2022 Federal election. In 2024 she received the Order of Australia Medal for service to the community.

Founding Partners

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